#209 Discussing Pandemic Life & Grace

Pandemic life… wow, who could have know those words would become part of our daily vocabulary?!

Leslie and Leslyn wanted to interrupt their planned discussion scheduled for this week to discuss something that has been on everyone’s minds the past few weeks. The need to address the panic as well as giving their thoughts and insights on how to manage during this time. The conversation focuses on how to manage the accumulation of stress during this uncertain time. How to understand the underlying fear you may be feeling right now and experiencing grief at different intensities. Leslie and Leslyn also discuss the importance of offering grace to yourself and others in your life.

In this episode, we discuss…

Show Intro [0:01]

Introductions—Discussing the Pandemic [0:12]

Start of the Podcast [0:36]

Drastic Change [4:53]

Leslyn’s Webinar on Managing Stress in Uncertainty [5:58]

Offering Others Grace During This Time [7:08]

Should I Be Being Productive? [9:57]

Leslyn’s Webinar Mention [13:39]

Tackling the Distractions That Appear [14:04]

Share and Touch Base with Us! [17:38]

Think Outside the Box [17:59]

Identifying Underlying Fear [20:34]

Experiencing Grief [21:18]

The Human Need for Connection [28:12]

The World is Healing [29:57]

Next Week’s Topic [30:47]

Closing Points [31:24] 

Episode Notes:

Taking a moment to put the regularly scheduled episodes on hold, Leslie and Leslyn spend this week’s discussion on what everyone has been thinking about. The COVID-19 Global Pandemic. It’s a crazy time that is filled with a lot of anxiety, fear, grief, and uncertainty. Leslie and Leslyn wanted to dive into these feelings that surround the major event that must be addressed.

As the new norm of totally drastic changes, there will be feelings of uncertainty. Leslyn wanted to share a webinar she recorded this week that focuses on how to manage the stress in all this uncertainty. On top of our everyday anxieties, now we are faced with anxiety that is unprecedented and we have nothing to compare or draw from to ease these worries.

This is why it’s critical in this time to give people grace. Remember, that everyone is doing the best that they can in this time. Make sure you are communicating your love and appreciation for those around you.

Leslie and Leslyn discuss wanting to stay productive during this time but realize the need for some downtime. It’s important to remember, there is no wrong or right way to be using this time. As long as you are staying safe and following current medical advice! Some might find themselves feeling like everything in the world is fine but then having elevated stress levels watching or reading the news. Leslyn recommends people pay close attention to what stress does physiologically to their own bodies and notice when you feel moments of increased anxiety.

Leslie offers the recommendation to take this time to find a way that you can personally better the situation/ Leslie gives the example of spending a day creating a space for her boys to relax and play was well worth the work it took. Leslyn shares that you can be creative and think outside the box to find a solution to a problem that pops up in your life.  

This situation has derailed many of us from our steady travel of life. There is a lot of fear right now. From people losing planned events, not being able to attend their high school graduation, and even losing a loved one. Leslyn shares that there are different intensities to grief. Grief is experiencing a loss. Leslyn gives the advice to let yourself feel the grief reaction that you are having. But then, put that grief reaction into perspective to how bad it could be.

Leslyn mentions last week’s topic on social media and connection. It’s fascinating at a time when our culture, and humanity at large, is so disconnected that there is this worldwide situation that seems to bring some of the best in us and forces us to connect in a way that many have thought were lost. Next week, Leslie and Leslyn would like to continue this topic’s focus but on the good aspects!

Next week, Leslie and Leslyn are focusing on all the good things that can or have come from this very negative experience. If there are any stories you would like to see us cover, please let us know!


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Next Week’s Episode:  Focusing on the Good in a Terrible Situation!

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Links to Look At:

Get Coached by Leslyn!! http://growwithleslyn.com

Leslyn’s Webinar Can Be Found Here!


Episode #207 on Big Magic


HBR | The Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief


 ABC News | Venice Canals Clearing



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[Show Notes by Abbie Brooks -- https://www.fiverr.com/abjbrook]